Florian Haag
Matthias Göhring
Imagine GCHQ's CyberChef integrated in BurpSuite with live modification of requests at your fingertips. That's exactly what we had in mind when we built the Cyber Security Transformation Chef (CSTC) a few years ago. The CSTC is an extension to the popular BurpSuite Proxy built for experts working with web applications. It enables users to define recipes that are applied to outgoing or incoming HTTP requests/ responses automatically. Whatever quirks and specialties an application might challenge you with during an assessment, the CSTC has you covered. Furthermore, it allows to quickly apply custom formatting to a chosen message, if a more detailed analysis is needed
Florian Haag
Senior Consultant IT-Security at usd AG

Florian Haag is a senior security consultant at usd AG with experience in penetration testing, software security assessments as well as code reviews.
Matthias Göhring
Security Consultant & Head of usd HeroLab // usd AG

Matthias Göhring is security consultant and penetration tester at usd AG, an information security company based in Germany with the mission #moresecurity. He is Head of usd HeroLab, the division of usd specialized in technical security assessments. In addition, he holds lectures at Technical University Darmstadt and University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt on ethical hacking and penetration testing. In previous scientific work, he focused on network and communication security as well as software security.
Previous publications:
- Catching the Clones – Insights in Website Cloning Attacks, Risk Connect Conference, 2021
- Path MTU Discovery Considered Harmful, IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2018
- Tor Experimentation Tools, IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 2015
- On randomness testing in physical layer key agreement, IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2015