Guy Barnhart-Magen
Brenton Morris
Log4J was a merry Christmas call for many teams around the world. This talk will share our story of how we were among the first to respond to in-the-wild attacks, helping the community manage and understand how to prepare for such an incident.
Log4J did not catch us unaware, but we did not connect the dots at first. Who would have guessed that chatter of a new vulnerability in Minecraft is related to a wave of coinminer incidents we responded to?
This talk will cover the line between threat intelligence, responding to cyber incidents, releasing open-source tools, and helping our customers and the community!
We will not focus on the technical analysis of the vulnerability (there are plenty of talks like that already). Instead, our focus is on how an organization prepares for such incidents ahead of time. For example, laying the pieces in place to be ready for the unknown (e.g., being aware of vulnerabilities in vendor appliances before they are!)
Guy Barnhart-Magen
Profero CTO and Co-Founder

Guy is Profero's CTO and Co-Founder, BSidesTLV chairman, and Public speaker (SAS, t2, 44CON, BSidesLV, AppSecVillage, to name a few), and the recipient of the Cisco “black belt” security ninja honor – Cisco’s highest cybersecurity advocate rank.
Brenton Morris
Sr Incident Responder @ Profero

Sr Incident Responder at Profero. From cloud sophisticated attackers to ransomware events. Brenton has a unique set of security research and devops experience allowing him to resolve cyber-attacks while understanding the impact on production systems.